Sleep Apnea

Breathe Well

Solving the airway-sleep-breathing problem on a global scale could result in significant cost savings across the entire healthcare spectrum. It has the potential to reduce the effects of common chronic health concerns and change the lives of millions of people of all ages who suffer from compromised airway, sleep, and breathing issues.

What is Sleep Apnea?

Around the world, healthcare providers are beginning to pay careful attention to the overall health benefits of healthy breathing during sleep. Compromised breathing during sleep, such as obstructive sleep apnea, has been connected to several health conditions which can be serious and even life-threatening.

Sleep apnea is a common sleep disorder. People who suffer from this condition stop breathing intermittently while sleeping.

Physicians are of the opinion that treatment of your sleep apnea will have a positive impact on your overall health and vitality. Unfortunately, millions of people in the US who suffer from sleep apnea remain undiagnosed.

The Breathing Wellness movement is a concentrated global initiative led by Vivos’s integrated group of multidisciplinary healthcare providers and seeks to raise awareness about the importance of treating specific airway conditions that impair normal breathing during sleep.

If you suspect you or someone you love is suffering from sleep apnea, you should consult a physician or a specially-trained dentist who is board certified.

Main Types of Sleep Apnea

Icon of a resting person

Obstructive Sleep Apnea

(can be mild, moderate or severe)

Icon of a person breathing


Sleep Apnea

Healthy Lungs

Complex or

Mixed Sleep Apnea

The Science of Sleep Apnea

Millions of people of all ages suffer from conditions described in the medical literature as maxillary hypoplasia and/or mandibular retrognathia/retrusion.

This is an all-too-common condition, in which the upper and lower jaws do not fully develop, and often results in a compromised upper airway.

Individuals who suffer from these conditions may develop sleep-disordered breathing, including obstructive sleep apnea, which causes them to stop breathing periodically during sleep.

Our approach is to invest in ongoing clinical research and clinical trials to expand our existing portfolio of therapeutic-grade biomimetic oral appliances for the treatment of midfacial hypoplasia and/or mandibular retrognathia/retrusion.

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